Thursday, December 7, 2006


Thank you for visiting our blog that has been newly set up for the sole purpose of encouraging a free exchange of thoughts and ideas regarding the financial marketplace.

More importantly, it is a platform where we can share our thoughts, ideas and opinions on a more ready and proactive basis.
All of you are invited to participate in this forum. It is also meant to encourage a more spontaneous dialogue as what a blog site should be.

We will be posting more topics of interest on this blog shortly.

In the meantime, here is wishing one and all............happy trading and happy investing!!


Anonymous said...

Three cheers to The Panthenon Group, to Andrew and team. I appreciate the responsive and innovative approach in which you guys handle our feedback and suggestions. I like the blog site concept and it's a wonderful way of capitalizing on todays' technology. Regards, Bull.

Anonymous said...

I like the blog site concept, it is more spontaneous. I look forward to sharing and contributing to this blog site. Warmest Wishes, Tulips.

Anonymous said...

Great initiative Panthenon Group!

Anonymous said...

Great initiative to do a blog site, I trust it will be supported by enough clients and friends to keep it relevant, fresh and significant. Good luck Panthenon!

Anonymous said...

How refreshing! At last an expert who actively seeks to share and discuss rather than jealously guard their knowledge. It's a true measure of Andrew as a person and of his business philosophy that he's taken such a bold step. Well done! We're all looking forward to some lively debate and stimulating discussions in the months and years to come.
Many thanks! Sx

Anonymous said...

Three cheers to Andrew and team. Great way to demonstrate your investment philisophy. Like the logical explanation and the opportunity to give feedback too. Wishing you and the team a fantastic 2007 and years to come.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting up the blogspot. It's a great way to share with your audience. I like the opportunity of being able to put my comments across to all. Regards, Mr. TC Phng