Tuesday, April 7, 2009

USDJPY finally hits above 100.00!

The JPY finally weakened to reflect the fundamental ills of the Japanese economy.

It is near impossible to sustain a strong JPY in light of; negative growth, collapse of banking sector, hemorrhaging of corporate Japan and deflation.

You will recall that we entered the USDJPY call option based on our fundamental analysis. The JPY finally collapsed from a stronghold of 87.15 and 87.10 twice in December 2008. It has been a great run and we believe that USDJPY will test the 110.50 high in August 2008; however, we are of the opinion that we will not have enough time left on our option to wait for this level to happen.

From the technical viewpoint, USDJPY has been over-sold to a low of 101.30 and it would pull back to 98.00.

We have decided to take profit on the USDJPY call option at 100.80. This gives us a profit of 3.67% and a total trading profit of 5.39% for the month.

We have strategically traded currencies one at a time as the world landscape is changing dynamically everyday, to juggle one too many currency trades is only asking for trouble.

More importantly, we will take the next week to fully digest the G20 takeaways and deliberate on our next trading and investment move in the currency market.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

USDJPY a good play!

On February 25th, we established a LONG USDJPY spot position at 96.80 and a 3 month USDJPY Call option at 97.10 with a view that the yen will continue weakening because of the worsening economic situation in Japan.

We entered the spot position because of the technical analysis; we entered the call option because of the fundamental analysis.

We have decided to take profit on the spot trade at 98.50, locking in a profit of 1.72% and we will hold on to the call option as the weekly chart still suggests more upside.

USDJPY hit a high of 99.68 on March 5th and on a technical basis, looks like it is beginning to wane on the daily chart, however; the weekly chart still supports a little more upside.

Therefore, our decision is to hold on to the call option and let the fundamental play realize itself and we also have time on our side.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

USDJPY a good play!

On February 25th, we established a LONG USDJPY spot position at 96.80 and a 3 month USDJPY Call option at 97.10 with a view that the yen will continue weakening because of the worsening economic situation in Japan.

We entered the spot position because of the technical analysis; we entered the call option because of the fundamental analysis.

We have decided to take profit on the spot trade at 98.50, locking in a profit of 1.72% and we will hold on to the call option as the weekly chart still suggests more upside.

USDJPY hit a high of 99.68 on Marcy 5th and on a technical basis, look like it is beginning to wane on the daily chart, though; the weekly chart still supports a little more upside.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

USDSGD Call Option Knocked In

Our Call Option was knocked out at 1.5250 for a 2.1% profit on the option

You will recall on February 18th, we took profit on our spot trade USDSGD at 1.5270, locking in profits of 320bps.

Though we felt that the daily momentum was weaning, however, the weekly chart indicates still more upside, so we kept the call option and placed a take profit level or stop/loss level at 1.5250. Why, it is call risk management and also strategizing to lock in profits; if USDSGD does truly weakens pass 1.5250, then it would trigger our stop/loss and we would have locked in our profits from 1.4930 to 1.5250. If USDSGD continues to power upwards towards 1.55, then, we can continue to ride the wave as we have time on the option before maturity. In either case, it is prudent risk management.

Guess what, on February 19th, our level was hit and in fact it went to a low of 1.5218.

We locked in a 2.1% profit or US$21,000 per every US$1Million.

We also mentioned that we were interested in the AUD, however, with the negative news on Friday about the potential demise of Bank of American and Citigroup; everyone began selling US Dollars, against most G7 currencies, it moved by at least one big figure if not two big figures in some cases.

So for now, we will study the markets again and seek out opportunities soon.

To sum up; we did three USDSGD trades this month and achieved net trading profits of 4.87%.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LONG USDSGD Trade - Took Profit

After shorting USDSGD at 1.5030 on February 6th, our target of 100bps was met on February 9th when we exited our trade at 1.4930, the low went to 1.4904.

Our strategy with USDSGD is every time SGD strengthens to 1.49, we will establish a LONG USDSGD position.

In this instance, on February 9th, we re-establish a spot trade LONG USDSGD at 1.4950 (Stop/loss at 1.4910) and also a 3 month call USDSGD option at 1.4930.

We have decided to take profit on the spot trade and exited at 1.5270 for a 320bps profit.

We will be holding on to our call option as we are ‘deep in the money’ and we have more time to play.

The daily chart as at February 18th shows that the USDSGD has powered upwards through all the breaks but it appears that it may be losing momentum judging from the stochastic curves.

To confirm, this we must also look at the weekly chart to see whether or not the momentum is loosing its stem.

The following weekly chart as at February 18th suggests that there is still some steam left in the LONG USDSGD: -

Nonetheless, we have decided to put a stop/loss level of 1.5250 for our call option.

Trading in currencies can be interesting, exciting and also safe if one respect risk and manages the risk accordingly. Never…….never………never…………maintain NAKED positions, you are only asking for trouble, always establish stop/loss levels at the time when you do a trade, it is prudent and it is smart.

Also, it is important not to be too caught up with trying to trade too many currencies. I would suggest that you focus on two at the most, it will give you focus and will also reduce the overall risk aspects.

The next currency we are eyeing is possibly the AUDUSD, we will update you accordingly. Do keep on following our blogsite. Happy trading.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

USDSGD near-term outlook – HIT!

On February 6th, we posted an article recommending a near-term USDSGD trade based purely on our daily charting. On February 6th, USDSGD was at 1.5030, based on our chart, we saw a high probability of USDSGD weakening by a possible 100bps and within 72 hours, on February 9th, USDSGD traded down to 1.4904 for a 126bps.

Near term trades are trades where if the call is right, it will happen within the next 48 hours to 72 hours.

We took profit on our spot position at 1.4930 for a 100 bps profit. We then establish a new spot trade to LONG USDSGD at 1.4950 and we also bought a 3 month call option USDSGD at 1.4930.

Please observe the daily chart as at February 17th posted below: -

Right after, it hit a low of 1.4904 it started climbing back up to the current 1.5278.

Our medium-term outlook on February 6th and today is consistent, please observe the following weekly chart and reflect it with the weekly chart of February 6th. The trend lines are holding with no change, which means that USDSGD will continue to strengthen towards 1.55 within the next 3 months.

Our advice therefore is if you are holding USD and are waiting for a higher level to switch into SGD…….you can afford to wait and potentially catch a higher level towards 1.55.

On the other hand, if you are holding SGD and you need to use USD, then, we would recommend that you convert to USD now or soon before the SGD continues to erode.

Friday, February 6, 2009

USDSGD near term and medium term outlook

We have been asked by clients to comment on the USDSGD near-term prospects and also medium-term outlook.

While all of us acknowledge that Singapore is going to go through a very difficult recession in 2009 along with the rest of the world. It is clear that from a fundamental point of view the SGD will stay weak relative to the USD for 2009. Coupled with the fact that the United States is still experiencing significant inflows from repatriation, we would see SGD under pressure as the United States is a significant trading partner of Singapore.

Notwithstanding, there is always still opportunity to trade in USDSGD from the charting perspective. Let’s have a look shall we? The daily chart above shows that in the near term the SGD may strengthen against the USD as the stochastic curve has turned downwards with the upper curve cutting the from the top and downwards.

The Bollinger curve which is the two curve embracing the price line has hit the upper Bollinger curve once and did not push through and it’s starting to move downwards. The overall Bollinger curve shows a narrowing which indicates a possible breakout in the near future.

The trailing uppercut and lowercut lines have intersected slightly ahead which also indicates a potential breakout.

We believe within the next one to two weeks, USDSGD will strengthen below 1.50 and move towards 1.49. In other words, a possible 100bps move.

The weekly chart shows a different story. The medium term outlook for the USDSGD is to move up towards 1.55.

The stochastic curve still indicates some strength in the USDSGD for the medium term. Moving averages indicate a stronger USD especially the 50 days and 100 days moving averages.

The uppercut and lowercut lines show a possible breakout in the medium term. In other words, USD will continue to strengthen against the SGD in the next 3 months to 6 months, however, thereafter, when the breakout happens………..who knows where it will go.

It will depend on how the economic situations of both Singapore and United States unfold in Q1 and Q2 before we can make a definitive call as to where USDSGD will move after the breakout.